
Consulting Projects from Dr. Andreas Stockert (selected projects) 

Turnaround Management

  • Wünsche AG / Joop!, Hamburg, Germany, fashion, turnaround management and repositioning of the brand in the European market.
  • Charles Vögele AG, Pfäffikon SZ, Switzerland, fashion, concept for a turnaround management strategy and implementation of the brand repositioning.
  • C&A, Brüssel / Düsseldorf, Germany / Belgium, fashion implementation of a professional supply chain and support by RETEK/Oracle as control tool.
  • Pergament, New York City, USA, DIY
, logistics and merchandising incl. turn around management.
  • Krupp / Hoesch Automotive Federnwerke, Sao Paulo, Brazil, automotive, turnaround concept and implementation for white body, engine and suspension.
  • Hoechst do Brasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil, chemistry, Implementation of a cost savings and a efficiency improvement program.
  • Plauener Gardine, Plauen, Germany, home textile, restructuring of the complete company for performing on the Western European market.
  • Lautex, Neugersdorf, Germany, textiles, restructuring of the complete company for performing on the Western European market incl. a 3-level production in textiles.
  • SAGA, Hamburg, council housing, concept of the restructuring activities, new contracting and social management.
  • NINO, Nordhorn, fabric manufacturing, re-dimensioning of overhead structures and optimization of reduction of personell.
  • G.A.T. Bekleidungswerke, Neuss, garment manufacturing, cost and liquidity management and turnaround approach.
  • ELVO, Coesfeld, curtain production, cost cutting in purchasing and sales. 


Digital Transformation

  • Charles Vögele AG, Pfäffikon SZ, Switzerland, fashion retail, concept development and implementation of RFID-technology from the source to the cash register incl. the consumer behavior  (award winning for the best RFID-implementation worldwide from the RFID-Journal in the USA).
  • Marc O’Polo GmbH, Stephanskirchen, Germany, fashion manufacturer and retailer, item-based RFID-implementation over the complete supply chain from production to the cash register in about 100 own stores and one distribution center.
  • Marks & Spencer PLC, London, England, retail, implementation of click & collect-function, permanent stock monitoring as well as measuring the conversion rate on the shop floor with auf  „hands free“-reader application in 3 department stores.
  • Adidas AG, Herzogenaurach, Germany, sports equipment, RFID-concept and roll out in about 1.000 own managed Adidas stores in Russa as well as NFC-tagging  of eine sport shoe monitore and communicate with the consumer after the sales process.
  • Enso Detego GmbH, Graz, Österreich, Chairman of the Advisory Board, software development, target group oriented software development, application development along the complete value chain and KPI-driven reporting based on big data-analysis.


Strategy Development and Marketing

  • Liz Claiborn, New York City, USA, fashion, market entry strategy into the European market and merger with MEXX as a touch base in Europe.
  • Unilever, London, UK, food and cosmetics,
establishing a own retail chain with Unilever the product range in India / private label strategy for discount retailers.
  • Unilever, UK and Netherlands, food and cosmetics, (restructuring of the assortment structure and positioning).
  • Sony, Japan / USA, consumer electronics, 
concept and implementation of stand alone Sony stores (pilot: US west coast).
  • BASF fibers, Ludwigshafen, Germany, chemistry, new sales channels for fiber products esp. for floor coverings over the entire value chain.
  • Eurotrade GmbH, airport Munich, airport retail, assortment and sales strategy fort he complete airport assortment like duty free products, media and souveniers, watches and juwelery aswell as fashion and accessories. Also modification of the purchasing and logistics processes.
  • Eterna Mode, Passau, Germany, fashion, Auditing of the Assortment and sales structure as well as process performance of the distribution logistics for a potential investor incl. estimation of potentials, implementation plan and management assessment.
  • Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt, banking, quarterly meetings with analysts to update about the consumer goods industry and practical examples.
  • Gildemeister, Bielefeld, machine construction, implementation and training of a key account management concept.
  • ASCOM, Bern, electronics, disentangelemt and sale of the hearing aid division.
  • PKI Philips Communication Industry, Nürnberg, electronics, new setup for sales force incl. key account management and interface management to internal functions.
  • Ergoline, Windhagen, solarium, definition of the expansion strategy into UK especialle consumer behavior and competition.
  • Mustang Bekleidungswerke, Künzelsau, jeans fashion, new Struktur of the sales division in the DACH region incl. office service.
  • Smartrac Technology, Charlotte NC, USA, RFID technology, strategy development fort he product portfolio and the sales structure fort he global consumer industry emphasised on fashion and retail incl. FMCG.
  • Fujian Septwolves Industry, Xiamen, China, fashion retail, Assessment of the assortment (model structure, pricing, competitiveness) and the store design (international benchmarking, mood boards, ambience) for the internationalisation abroad China.
  • Otto Group, Hamburg, Germany, mail order, several workshops with all company branches about the concept of distribution logistis to online clients.
  • Ihr Platz, Osnabrück, Germany, drugstore, assortment strategy and implementation of a merchandise planning tool.     


Supply Chain and Logistics

  • BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany, textile fibers, design and implementation of the complete fibre supply chain from source to final customer.
  • Chanel Cosmetics, Le Meux / Paris,France, cosmetics, Optimization of the distribution logistics in the german speaking region wit hte target of cost reduction, lead time improvement and delivery accuracy.
  • Axel Springer, Hamburg, Germany, media and print, implementation of high speed logistic for newspapers and magazines.
  • Pergament, New York City, USA, DIY, Performance improvement of logistics and merchandise management.
  • Stockmeyer, Warendorf, Germany, sausages / pet food,
design and implementation of fresh food logistics.
  • Hugo Boss, Metzingen, Germany, fashion, garment logistics from the source to the shop floor incl. raw materials.
  • Raab Karcher, Essen, Germany,  industrial wholesale, wholesale logistics for coal, steel and flowers.
  • HP Hewlett Packard, Geneva, Switzerland, medical equipment, spare parts logistic for medical equipment on a European scale.
  • Krupp/Hoesch Automotive, Sao Paulo, Brazil, automotive supplier, logistics for automotive moduls (white body, engine and suspension).
  • C&A, Brussels, Belgium, fashion, supply chain implementation, modification of the buying organization incl. implementation of the corresponding IT tools.
  • Eduscho, Bremen, coffee trading, redesign of retour logistics especially for hard goods.
  • Getränke Essmann, Lingen, logistics for beverage, optimization of the outbound logistics and intake of empty bottles with the target of cost and time reduction.


Organization and IT

  • Carrefour, Paris, France / China, retail of hard goods and fashion, reorganisation and IT implementation at the Hong Kong buying office (biggest buying office of Carrefour globally).
  • Karstadt / Quelle, Essen, Germany, retail of hard goods and fashion, reorganisation of the Istanbul buying and purchasing office.
  • Fraport AG, Flughafen Frankfurt, Germany, airport retail, coordination of offline and online business at the Frankfurt airport, improvement of the service level for passangers esp. from overseas and differenciation of the product offer by region specific target groups.
  • Haworth International, Bad Münder / Ahlen, Germany, office furniture, new design of the European production and logistics structure of one of the biggest office furniture manufacturers worldwide. New produktion sites, new production processes and a bidding process for the transfort logistics with the target of cost savings and performance improvements.
  • Goodyear, Cologne, Germany, tires, development of a new franchise strategy and structur for the german speaking market as well as definition and implementation of selection criteria for franchisees.
  • Deutsche Bank, Dresdner Bank, Commerzbank und Hypo Vereinsbank, Frankfurt / München, banking, rationalization of the document driven payment transaction and the merging of  IT organizations to generate synergies and cost reductions.  
  • Metro / Kriegbaum, Düsseldorf/Stuttgart, Germany, retail, company takeover, interface management and new controlling system.
  • Carrefour, Paris, France / China, retail, reorganization and IT-implementation at the biggest buying and sourcing office of Carrefour based in Hong Kong.
  • Karstadt / Quelle, Essen, Germany, department stores, reorganization of the buying office in Istanbul.
  • Raab Kracher, Essen, Germany, industrial wholesale, (new organisational structure and processes as well as modification of the IT-Structure for the branches cole, steal and plants as well as industrial services like ESTA.
  • Gildemeister, Bielefeld,Germany, mashinery, merger of the companies Deckel, Maho and Gildemeister.
  • NWG Gebäudereinigung, Duisburg, Germany, industrial services, new design and implementation of controlling processes and reports.
  • Nordwestdeutsche Spielbanken, Münster, Germany, gambling, process and security check.